frequently asked questions

Have a question? Check below to see if your question is answered, and if not, contact us directly.


Where do you ship?

We ship worldwide.

To ensure accurate delivery, almost all international orders will automatically include tracking. Certain locations worldwide are unable to include tracking. We will send you a message to your contact information provided if we are unable to add tracking to your package.

How long is shipping?


Our standard shipping is letter mail which does not include tracking. Delivery can take 2-8 business days across Canada. Upgraded shipping methods are available at checkout.


There are several different shipping methods available for orders going to the United States and the rest of the world. Delivery can take up to 5-15 business days.

Please contact us directly if you have any further questions.

What is a “processing time”?

Our processsing time, which is stated at the top of our site is the time it takes for us to create and mail our your order!

My package has not arrived/arrived damaged, what should I do?

Once we mail your package, it is out of our hands. We like to suggest upgrading to our tracked and insured shipping methods to help cover any mis-delivery, stolen packages, lost mail or damaged mail.

If your package has not arrived, or has arrived damaged, please contact us at and we will address the situation from there.


What metals are used in your jewelry?

We use mainly 14k gold filled and sterling silver for our pieces, with the exception of some earrings being made with gold vermeil. These metals are skin safe and hypoallergenic. Find more information about the metals we use on our jewelry care page.

How do I find my jewelry size?

Bracelets + Anklets: Measure your wrist/ankle circumference (this can easily be done with a string and a ruler). We recommend adding 0.5“ - 1“ to the circumference size for your perfect fit.

The standard bracelet size is 6.5 - 7.5 inches.

The standard anklet size is 8.5 - 9.5 inches.

Necklaces: You may use the string and ruler technique, or find your necklace length via a necklace length chart.

The standard necklace size is 16 - 18 inches.

All of our bracelets, anklets, and necklaces come with extenders to help find your perfect fit.

How do I care for my jewelry?

Please read our jewelry care page for information on how to care for your jewelry.

Are the gemstones used in your jewelry genuine?

Yes, all of the gemstones used in our pieces are 100% genuine, and come from reputable suppliers across Canada, and the United States.

Do you take custom orders?

We offer customization on almost all of our products, and are happy to work with you to bring your own jewelry ideas to life!

Please fill out our custom jewelry form here.

Order information

Can I cancel my order?

Please contact us within 24 hours after your order was placed to cancel your order. Our jewelry is handmade to order, and we can not guarantee after 24 hours that your order has not been started.

If you’d like to cancel a order after 24 hours, please understand there can be a small restocking fee of up to 25%.

For more information on cancellations, please read our Shop policies .

Can I change/update my order?

Please contact us within 24 hours after your order was placed to make any changes to your order. Our jewelry is handmade to order, and we can not guarantee after 24 hours that your order has not been started.

If you’d like to change or update an order after 24 hours, please understand there can be a small fee of up to 25% to cover any jewelry that has already been started.

For more information on changing and updating orders, please read our Shop policies .

My jewelry broke, what should I do?

When making our jewelry, we always check for quality to make sure your jewelry will withstand everyday wear. Under a decent amount of force, dainty jewelry has the chance to break. If your jewelry breaks within 4 months of purchase, we offer a repair for free. Depending on the damage, we offer the ability to do an exchange for a new piece. If the damage is not repairable, we can refuse to repair it, and offer a different solution. If a purchase breaks after 4 months, repairs have a fee of up to $8.

Photos of the broken jewelry is highly appreciated so we can see what occurred.

Buyer is responsible for all shipping costs.


Influencer collaboration

Thank you so much for taking interest in our brand! Please send us a message on our instagram ( or email us at

Please be sure to mention your name, where you’re from, and why you’d like to work with us!

What are your shop policies?

We highly suggest reading our shop policies before placing a order with us.

Can I do a pickup for my order?

Please contact us before you place an order to arrange a pickup. Once we can confirm you are eligible for a pickup, you will be provided a pickup discount code to remove any shipping costs.

Are you available to purchase in person?

Please check out our instagram page for information on upcoming craft markets, where you can shop our jewelry in person!